Monday, September 27, 2010

SKINS Season 5 Update

That's right, the notorious British TV show Skins is currently filming its fifth season. Words cannot describe how phenomenal this show is in all its raving, tripping, crazy glory - you just have to watch it, tosser. I know I sound just a tad obsessed (as any Skins fan does), but once you start watching, you'll get what I mean.... yah?

Anyways, onto the news:

Skins just finished filming the opening sequence of Season 5. Tal Rosner, who made the opening sequences for Seasons 1-4 is back again, so we can expect some aaamazing graphics, overlays, editing, and effects. This man is spectacularly talented. His title sequence for Season 1 (shown below) won a BAFTA award in 2007. Let's just hope Fat Segal (aka just "Segal") will supply the intro music again.

Also, Skins is up for "Best Digital Choice" in the National Television Awards. So show your support and vote here!


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