Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Good Morning Benders

It's only 12:20 AM but I'm going to call this morning anyways since I am trying to find other things to do besides homework/I'm not cool enough to come up with a better title. Anyways, circa 18 months ago as I was checking out some of the lesser known artists on the Outside Lands '09 line-up I came across a local band called The Morning Benders and was hooked.

Morning Benders at Outside Lands '09
Check out their latest free download, a cover of Paul McCartney's "Ram On" here (bottom left hand corner of the page). It has elements of their usual upbeat-ish, folky work but there's a haunting quality to it that results from random electric beats, rhythmic clapping, and a new eerie quality of Chris Chu's vocals that'll send some shivers down your spine (nice alliteration right?). Also, they just released their sophomore album Big Echo a little while back so check it out (fave song = Excuses)!


P.S. Word of warning: If you ever see the band live, expect great music but some awkwardness (a quality that's amplified should you meet them and ask for a picture... right F?) 

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