Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hipster approved Hip-Hop?

Yes, there is hip-pop even snotty hipsters can enjoy: Big Boi.

Big Boi, (also known as 1/2 of Outkast), released a solo album this summer. The record, Sir Lucious Left Foot, The Son Of Chico Dusty, defied and revived everything about rap. He received critic approval with an extremely rare 9.2 rating and Best New Music label from the all-powerful That's not even mentioning his prestigious place on the front page Arts Section of the New York Times. And he's been embraced by the indpedent music community despite his more-than-major label Def-Jam, why? Because his music is independent, different, and innovative. Check out some of his videos below. You might want to skip a few seconds into "General Patton" as the beginning is a teaser from the Intro to his album, but the song is insane.


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