Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flashback of the Week

I've been getting into the Swedish sibling-duo The Knife recently, especially their 2006 album Silent Shout. Their electronic music is simple, but they often layer their songs with different synth lines on top of with the the sister's signature, distorted voice. The album won 6 Swedish Grammys, and in 2009, Pitchfork ranked it the 15th best album of the 2000s.

But the album's most accessible song, We Share Our Mother's Health, retains the feel of the album while still being an electro-pop song at heart, which you'll notice when it kicks in about one minute through. The video's a trippy, edited version of their live show. Check it out:

And for Ratatat fans, here's the their remix of the song, hope they play it live this Friday. The video's made by Motomichi Nakamura, who put together a simplistically erie animated production:


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