Thursday, September 9, 2010

G's Fall Fashion Faves Pt. 1

September 21 is approaching. The last official day of summer. We all know what that means: shorter days but seemingly never-ending hours of school, fiery-colored leaves floating down from the lush forestry on our lovely campus, temperatures dropping into the freezing CA 50s, but of course the main thought that occupies all our minds is: is it cold enough to wear my leg warmers yet?

Ok so maybe that’s just me. Substitute “uggs” for “leg warmers” and that’s what most of you are thinking right?  But here’s my challenge to you - change it up, get creative, take a risk. Ditch the uniform of designer jeans and a Northface. Be bold. Be daring. Be independent.

So here are just a few of my classically indie fall favorites:

Oversized sweaters. No, i’m not talking a big college sweatshirt. Grandpa cardigans are among the comfiest things ever. Urban Outfitters usually has a decent collection, but if you want to save some money and go for the real thing, look through some of the thrift  stores on Haight Street. Or if your dad’s like mine and cashmere TSE sweaters are a staple of his closet, knick one of those - it’ll feel like you’re wearing an angel soft blanket (warning: may cause increased sleepiness in class).

Feather headbands. Funky and classy. Nuff said. Urban and Anthropologie often have cool ones but they can get pricy. F21’s are cool and cheap but break easily. Check out Haight Street too they usually have a lot.

Skinny cords. Frickin skinny-jean wearing hipsters. Jk. Why not switch up and go warmer with some cords. Honestly J. Crew has nice ones but if that’s too preppy for you check out American Apparel's slim slacks.

Leg warmers. Best. Invention. Ever. AA’s are comfy, or check out dance stores like Danskin.

More to come soon! Sorry guys just for girls now (except the skinny cords, go for it if you want to) but I'll add more later.


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