Sunday, September 12, 2010

Look At This Kid

Who doesn't love Kid Cudi? Let's be honest here, it's hard to find a musically inclined teenager who finds problems with Kid Cudi's music. We like him so much, we'll even let him punch us!! No really...
"Kid Cudi escaped being charged with a crime when a fan the rapper punched at a concert declined to press charges. The concert was in Vancouver and Cudi grew upset after a wallet was thrown in his direction onstage. Cudi caught the wallet and tossed the item back into the crowd. The young man, Michael Sharpe, caught the wallet then threw it back to the stage since it didn't belong to him. The rapper became agitated, perceiving Sharpe's act as a dis and began to pummel the fan. Sharpe, though, insisted it was a mistake and told TMZ he would not pursue any legal action against the rapper."

The ultimate fan: willing to take a beating for their favorite artist. You go Michael Sharpe! My deepest wish is that Cudi avoids emulating his mentor Kanye before he, too, is considered a douche bag. Heck, who am I kidding, I'd still listen anyway. 

Symphonies ft. Kid Cudi - Dan Black

firefox: (option key & click song link to download) safari:(right click)

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