Thursday, September 23, 2010

Das Racist: Goofy or Profound

Das Racist is a self-discribed "Weed Edge/Hare Krishna Hard Core/Art Rap/Freak Folk Music Trio." Whatever they are, they're getting plenty of attention. Their lyrics are seemingly inane, but their song "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell" has been credited as "meditation on consumer identity" by Death and Taxes magazine. Spin even said that they "drop nuggets of sharp social commentary," but you wouldn't be able to tell at first listen. 

Check out their new album Sit Down, Man which has, believe it or not, received critical support some seasoned and more serious bands lack. With a Best New Music title from Pitchfork, they'll surely be going somewhere. It seems that their lack of seriousness is taking them places.

They've given out their album FOR FREE right here.


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