Sunday, October 17, 2010

Treasure Island Part 1: Die Antwoord

We all thought they were a joke, but they're a band. Die Antwoord kicked off Treasure Island Music Festival this year with their Zef Hip-Hop Techno beats, and it was so fokken next level. First their DJ came on, replacing DJ HI-Tek because he apparently doesn't like to fly. Clips of their music videos ran on the screen as Yo-Landi Visser jumped out on stage in a full body, pajama-like jumpsuit. She's even smaller in real life, but she's got all the same spunk as she does in their music videos. Then, Ninja joined her on stage to spit some next level rap and even free-style in between songs. Die Antwoord put on a goofy show, and it may have frightened a few people, but you can't deny that it was some fresh Zef.

Check out their video of Zef Side below.


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