Wednesday, October 20, 2010

new theme song for Skins US: opportunity or outrage?

If it isn't already scoffed at enough (even before a single episode has come out), Skins US has seemingly taken another step backwards by not using the original Skins UK theme song. The "new" show apparently launched a competition for anyone in the United States to compose a tune and send it in (extended deadline: November 21), the winner will be announced around December 15. Check out contest details and vote for your favorite here.

Skins US Cast
 Now this could be a good thing, launching some 15-year old part time-DJ or 35 year-old struggling singer/songwriter into fame, and giving Skins US a catchy new tune that says, "Hey, we're not British but at least we have good music." (Jk). Or it could be disastrous, provoking more outrage among die-hard fans who already ridicule Skins US (typically because MTV is producing it) enough.

What do you guys think: opportunity or outrage?

P.S. Fyi, the original theme song is by Fat Segal (also called Segal) and can be easily found online (wink wink). The song helps make the show and honestly it's so good, it's even my ringtone :D

P.P.S. After watching the new trailer, my opinion is set about the show but I'll leave it up to you guys to tell me what you think.

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