Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Temporary Thing- The Buck, The Bed, ...and the Bottle

A definite Indie sound mixed with folk and electronic has to be none other than The Temporary Thing. His album, The Buck, The Bed, ...and the Bottle, has left me astounded with sounds that range from Broken Bells and the Shins*. Songs like "My generation" leave me with wanting more from this artist, and boy does he give you more. This talented one-man songwriter not only gives you a relaxed and mellow toned sound he also enables a soft feel for dance within his songs. If you have not yet checked out this artist I suggest you do it now, if you don't then your missing out on one hell of a songwriter!

Teddy <3
(*probably because the lead singer from the Shins is part of Broken Bells*)

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