Friday, March 2, 2012

Vamos a la playa

Two IMA bloggers will be going to Electro Beach Puerto Vallarta for spring break oh yeahh.

Expect awesome pictures and concert reviews of Avicii, Steve Aoki, Dada Life, and more :D

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Once in a quadrennial

Four years in the big scope of a lifetime doesn't seem that long right? But a lot can happen in four years - a transition from high school to college, a casual date grows into a marriage, a deserted countryside turns into an over-crowded strip mall.

There's something strangely awesome about the imperfection of the natural order of things, the inconsistency of our measurement of time. So we have to readjust because our understanding of the world is not completely on point. Really makes you feel like we don't have it all figured out huh? I think though sorta discomforting, it's a nice reminder :)

Anyways I found this song called "Leap Year" by Maria Taylor and it kinda picks up on that hauntingly weird, semi-sad, semi-chill mood that I feel leap day embodies:

So happy leap day. Celebrate as you see fit.


P.S. Did you know that every 100 years (if it's not a multiple of 400 years) that there is no leap day? Weird huh? Maybe the only thing I wrote down from Astronomy lecture today.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vaccinate me

It's flu season and I know I need a vaccination... but I'd rather listen to The Vaccines then get an actual one. Ok yeah that was a bad joke.

But anyways I came upon The Vaccines randomly a few days ago and they are definitely worth listening to! They're a British rock band from West London who just released their debut album exactly 11 months ago, but have already opened for quality acts like Arcade Fire and Arctic Monkeys. The Vaccines sound like a mixture of 50s music (in the good kind of way), 90s teen movie soundtracks, and that garage band next door (albeit with a British accent). And everything sounds better with an accent right?

My favorites are "If You Wanna," an upbeat dance-around-in-your-underwear summer song and "Post Break-Up Sex," a less than whiny but still sucks to suck ballad about the bads (and good?) of splitting up with your significant other.

If You Wanna:

Post Break-Up Sex:


P.S. And if you're one lucky mofo who's going to Coachella, it'd be a sin not to check them out.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Got (Sour) Milk?

So I know this isn't indie music related (unless you wanna call a ~15 second stream with Christian rock in the background as indie... disclaimer wasn't my choice of song for the scene), but I wanted to share it anyways! (Shameless promotion as per usual)

It's a short made entirely by freshmen of Bulldog Productions (a production company at my college)  and edited by yours truly. Theme: humiliation. Random object: sour milk. Throw in an awkward nerdy freshman, faux bro, typical college sex humor, and this is what you get:

Hope you like it!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


i think the photo says it all...

Check out Die Antwoord's, South Africa’s premiere “zef” rap-rave crew, and their sophomore album ten$ion... it's next level shit

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dualism/Ben Gibbard is a musical genius

Throwback/procrastination time at almost 2 AM writing a paper on Cartesian mind-body dualism.

Love this song and never has it been more appropriate.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Wonderland" only takes you half-way down the rabbit hole

Released: January 10, 2012
Grade: B+/B

Superstar DJ Steve Aoki (of the Benihana Aokis... yum) just released his second full length album, "Wonderland." The 16-track compilation is a techno mix of trance, dubstep, and house with added vocal elements of rap, R&B, and yes, even screamo. As per usual, Aoki collaborated with a variety of artists from Kid Cudi to Travis Barker to Afrojack, so get ready to hear some familiar voices. As a unit, the album flows decently well - there are no super abrupt transitions between tracks that leave listeners disoriented. You're free to sit back (or dance) and lose yourself in the music without being jolted awake.

However, overall the album is less than stellar.  For me there are really only two standout WOW I'm filled with wonder tracks - "Livin' My Love" and "Turbulence." Within the first few seconds of "Livin' my Love," I immediately started rocking out to Aoki's beats, LMFAO's rapping and NERVO's slightly throaty (in a good way) singing.  The song can definitely get you pumped up and rallied for your night out, workout, you name it. There are multiple undercurrents to dance to so rave, grind, go cray cray. "Livin' My Love" also has a good quick decline then build up to an awesome climax!

"Turbulence (Radio Mix)" feat. Lil' Jon has been around for a while and is probably my favorite Steve song. It's definitely ragey with seamless transitions between beat frequencies and pitches. Lil' Jon contributes just enough - his vocals help pick the song up but are not overbearing. Seriously just listen to it.

The songs the next level down - definitely worth listening to but not amazing - are "Steve Jobs" and "No Beef (Original Mix)."  "Steve Jobs," which features Angerr Dimas, is pretty ordinary for the first three to four minutes but then it definitely picks up. So sit through those and then you can really dig it.

"No Beef" is a popular club mix that features Afrojack. It's a little more trancey and though the beat line is pretty average, the super high pitch of the beats makes it something special. The song loses pace nicely in the middle with Miss Palmer's vocals and then picks up again briefly before slowing down to a satisfying ending.

Much of the rest of the album is pretty average. Almost all the songs can easily be danced to but are nothing spectacular (save for the aforementioned). In some tracks,  Aoki seems to expand his horizons a bit ("Heartbreaker" has a new-sounding ephemeral quality and the two songs featuring Travis Barker's screamo is definitely something... not something I dig though).  But in a lot of others, Aoki's beats sound somewhat ordinary, a common difficulty for many techno artists. Not sure if it's worth buying all of the songs but check them out for sure!

Purchase it here.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Even those this is late, pretty much obligated to post it:

Not as great as last year I'd say but still pretty effin awesome. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

homeward bound?

As winter break is effectively over for both of us, my friend BBB and I were chatting today about the concept of home. She said something along the lines of feeling like not having a real home for the next five or so years. A blur of brief visits back in one's hometown, dorm rooms, apartments, hotels, whatever the residence is while studying abroad, etc., this seemingly constant transit makes the idea of a home, a nest, a haven, whatever you wanna call it, hazy and confusing. Even the simple interplay between my hometown and my college is making me wonder which more feels like home and what exactly constitutes a home.

So as I pack (or procrastinate packing) to leave the best coast and fly 3000 miles tomorrow morning, torn between two homes and struggling through the literal mess that is my room and the figurative mess of mixed feelings, I feel an appropriate soundtrack is in order. So here are a few of my favorite songs that have to do with home:

A Horse is Not a Home by Miike Snow

A House is Not A Home by Dionne Warwick 

Home by Birdlips

Homecoming by Kanye West 

Coming Home by The 88

Hope the music makes up for my petty musings.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Sak Noel fails to impress

An avid lover of Sak Noel's Loca People, I was really excited when my friend (and fellow IMA blogger) F showed me another one of their songs called "Paso (The Nini Official)." (Ok I know this isn't necessarily a new song, given that it came out in November. I'm behind on the times, back off hipstas). So we checked it out...and I'm sorry to say I'm pretty disappointed.

While the beats are pretty catchy and definitely easy dance to, the lyrics are slightly absurd: "I'm telling you mama, there's no need for drama, I don't wanna study. I just wanna party." Although I'm sure we've all had that feeling, said in Esthera Siesta's half-spoken half-sung way, it sounds kind of like a joke (and not in the so ridiculous it's great Die Antwoord way). And saying the days of the week along with "party"- have you got a feeling that that sounds like a certain 2009 pop hit? Overall I'd say the song is a little too trashy :/

But I do have frieneds who like it too and I'm sure it's definitely more appealing when you're in the mood and feeling it if ya know what I mean. Cada uno a su gusto, so check it out for yourself:


P.S. Sorry for the semi-scathing review Sak Noel, te amo.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So this is the new year...

Happy New Year from IMA!! Yes, it's 2012 and the world is not over. Holla at me. All the more reason to be thankful for everything we have in our lives so thanks to anyone out there who actually reads IMA! And one of the best things about a new year is getting a fresh start, right?

So I know posts have been a little lacking... all of us writers just started college this past semester so things have been hectic and NEW to say the least.  I'd like to apologize for any disappointment with IMA for the last few months, especially the past couple (perhaps checking only to see that my random angry girl music post was still the newest one up haha). I can't speak for everyone on IMA (or who used to write for it...?), but I personally in the new year will make more of an effort to post! Hope everyone has had some happy holidays!!

Much love,

P.S. Let us know - how did you ring in the New Year?? Share with us some crazy stories if you want to, I'm a firm believer in getting a clean slate on New Year's morning after the events of the Eve... :) Hopefully your anthem wasn't this (as awesome as this song is) :