Sunday, January 8, 2012

homeward bound?

As winter break is effectively over for both of us, my friend BBB and I were chatting today about the concept of home. She said something along the lines of feeling like not having a real home for the next five or so years. A blur of brief visits back in one's hometown, dorm rooms, apartments, hotels, whatever the residence is while studying abroad, etc., this seemingly constant transit makes the idea of a home, a nest, a haven, whatever you wanna call it, hazy and confusing. Even the simple interplay between my hometown and my college is making me wonder which more feels like home and what exactly constitutes a home.

So as I pack (or procrastinate packing) to leave the best coast and fly 3000 miles tomorrow morning, torn between two homes and struggling through the literal mess that is my room and the figurative mess of mixed feelings, I feel an appropriate soundtrack is in order. So here are a few of my favorite songs that have to do with home:

A Horse is Not a Home by Miike Snow

A House is Not A Home by Dionne Warwick 

Home by Birdlips

Homecoming by Kanye West 

Coming Home by The 88

Hope the music makes up for my petty musings.


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