Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vaccinate me

It's flu season and I know I need a vaccination... but I'd rather listen to The Vaccines then get an actual one. Ok yeah that was a bad joke.

But anyways I came upon The Vaccines randomly a few days ago and they are definitely worth listening to! They're a British rock band from West London who just released their debut album exactly 11 months ago, but have already opened for quality acts like Arcade Fire and Arctic Monkeys. The Vaccines sound like a mixture of 50s music (in the good kind of way), 90s teen movie soundtracks, and that garage band next door (albeit with a British accent). And everything sounds better with an accent right?

My favorites are "If You Wanna," an upbeat dance-around-in-your-underwear summer song and "Post Break-Up Sex," a less than whiny but still sucks to suck ballad about the bads (and good?) of splitting up with your significant other.

If You Wanna:

Post Break-Up Sex:


P.S. And if you're one lucky mofo who's going to Coachella, it'd be a sin not to check them out.


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