Friday, January 6, 2012

Sak Noel fails to impress

An avid lover of Sak Noel's Loca People, I was really excited when my friend (and fellow IMA blogger) F showed me another one of their songs called "Paso (The Nini Official)." (Ok I know this isn't necessarily a new song, given that it came out in November. I'm behind on the times, back off hipstas). So we checked it out...and I'm sorry to say I'm pretty disappointed.

While the beats are pretty catchy and definitely easy dance to, the lyrics are slightly absurd: "I'm telling you mama, there's no need for drama, I don't wanna study. I just wanna party." Although I'm sure we've all had that feeling, said in Esthera Siesta's half-spoken half-sung way, it sounds kind of like a joke (and not in the so ridiculous it's great Die Antwoord way). And saying the days of the week along with "party"- have you got a feeling that that sounds like a certain 2009 pop hit? Overall I'd say the song is a little too trashy :/

But I do have frieneds who like it too and I'm sure it's definitely more appealing when you're in the mood and feeling it if ya know what I mean. Cada uno a su gusto, so check it out for yourself:


P.S. Sorry for the semi-scathing review Sak Noel, te amo.

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