Saturday, January 15, 2011

James Blake Breaks the Dubstep Trend

British electronic artist James Blake's official genre is Dubstep, but you wouldn't be able to tell from his music. In a world of ever-expanding genres and movements, Blake has taken the best from the recent electronic trends to create a unique, distinguishable sound. In his 3 amazing EPs, Klavierwerke, CYMK and The Bells Sketch, he mixes minimalist and drone techniques with classical and R&B sounds. His gift of song-making defies the typical chorus/verse system; instead, Blake relies on intricate structures of sound.

Given he's British, Blake has released his work earlier in his home country. According to his website, he has his first full-length album coming out soon, but we'll have to wait for the official US date. Check out his intense build-up in his song CMYK and the interesting voice modification in Tell Her Safe below.


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