Monday, January 24, 2011

Get ready for Skins UK Season 5

That's right, the bigger, badder, and better version of Skins - the original UK version - is coming back this Thursday, January 27th. With a completely new and relatively obscure cast, the show is sure to be met with some criticism (since losing characters like Tony and Cassie after the second season was hard enough). Yet all the same, its Skins - the rawest drama out there and the only show I've heard of where real world teens directly take part in the writing process. The first episode focuses on Franky (fourth from the left in the picture), a boyish and artsy girl complete with a pixie cut and a plethora of black and plaid clothes.  Although the premise - kid moves to a new town (from Oxford to Bristol in this case) and goes to the local school where she encounters mean girls and makes friends with outsiders, only to have the mean girls later be suspiciously nice to her - seems cliche, I'm pretty confident the show will spice it up with the usual innovative and "controversial" material that will make the US version seem even more prude in comparison.

So as I gear up to watch the second episode of Skins US tonight and try and keep an open mind, I can't help but be very excited for Thursday to see Skins as it should be - almost completely uncensored in its glory of British accents and slang, swear words, and unforgettable Bristol late nights/early mornings that are hard to remember.

But now I'm just left wondering two things:
1) Where can I get a quality online stream of the episode that I can watch here in the States?
2) Do you wont to go to ah pahr-ee?

Check out the latest previews and clips here.


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