Wednesday, November 10, 2010

you scream, i scream, we all scream for Starscream

Search "Starscream" on Google and the first thing that'll pop up is a Transformers robot. But sorry,  I'm talking about the NYC electronica duo that's too fresh to even have a Wikipedia page. Though  Damon Hardjowirogo (say that 5x fast) and George Stroud look more like your neighborhood indie gamers, these boys are tearing it up as two of "23 New York Teenagers You Ought to Know About" and providers of the background music ("Years (Five-Eight") for the 2nd preview of Skins US (it pains me to even mention that show). And how does Starscream create its space tunes? Oh using the usual drums, bass, keyboard, and... Game Boys. As a chiptune band, they use video game console sound chips to make music. Don't ask me what that means, but it sounds cool - and so do they. 

Stream all of their songs and download a few from their album Future, and It Doesn't Work here.

Check out my fave song "Years (Five-Eight)" below:


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