Monday, November 15, 2010

Mondays just got better

Whether you're a working man (or woman) dragging yourself to a 9-5 day at the office, or a high school student dragging yourself to a 7-period class day,  Mondays can be overwhelming, terrible, and downright tiring. I personally dread them - weekend's over, homework's due, 3 class periods before lunch... ouch.  But one of the things I love about Mondays (besides Gossip Girl)?

Music Mondays: 5 FREE downloads from the Urban Outfitters blog every single Monday. That's right, you now have more reason to love Urban asides from its overpriced over-sized grandpa cardigans, flannels, and cute baby-doll dresses.

Honestly it's a lottery with these songs - they've featured great artists like Penguin Prison and Julianna Barwick,  and mediocre (imo) bands like Twin Sister. But hey who doesn't want free music?


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