Monday, February 14, 2011


The one and only Radiohead has just announced their new album, The King of Limbs, to be released digitally this Saturday. You can also pre-order the physical album, which comes with 2 vinyls, a CD, a digital download, and hundreds of pieces of artwork for May 19th.

Just like In Rainbows, Radiohead has announced their album only days before their release. It was especially surprising given that they've been mostly off the map recently besides lead singer Thom Yorke's appearance at Glastonbury festival in England and some blog posting.

The website Radiohead is using to sell the album,, has apparently been overloaded with visitors and is very slow to respond. On the site you can also buy just a digital copy for $9.00 versus the $48.00 for the entire set.

On another note, check out this conspiracy theory about Radiohead's album releasing pattern.


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